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Topics: 50 / Replies: 224
David and Goliath

What are your thoughts on the total?

7 years ago
NFL / NBA .. Timmy learns no lessons

Is that 0/8 betting against the pats? Also, did I not give my two cents nicely about the Steelers? I tried to be nice and all I got was a separate pos...

7 years ago
NFL / NBA .. Timmy learns no lessons

I know, can't wait to make that money. Meanwhile you've thrown dimes all over the place getting crushed. How many dimes have you lost betting against ...

7 years ago
NFL / NBA .. Timmy learns no lessons

Remember when you had lions every which way from Sunday against Seattle?

7 years ago
NFL / NBA .. Timmy learns no lessons

You have "9 dimes" on Pitt.. how's that working out

7 years ago
NFL / NBA .. Timmy learns no lessons

He lost about ten dimes on Oakland the other week, go back and pull that up

7 years ago
NFL / NBA .. Timmy learns no lessons

And he's been all over Pitt too, we'll see what happens. I love all you guys jumping on his back, all you have to do is read his posts, guy got anahil...

7 years ago
Replies: 21
Views: 1428
Look for an Atl/ Pitt Super Bowl

Not trying to knock this, just giving my 2 cents ... I've personally thought the steelers have been over rated all season. They've had an easy sche...

7 years ago
Pick Wiz Plays 1/4

I'm excited to see this young team in their first big ACC test at home. Should be a great game and was quite surprised seeing them as a very small dog...

8 years ago
Pick Wiz Plays 12/30

Anyone who knows anything it's not about how big your dick is or how much you bench press but about how crazy you are. If anyone wants to get loud or ...

8 years ago
NBA friday

If you believe in such a thing

8 years ago
8 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 580
2nd half stan game

Hey Timmy, appreciate the grind you've been putting out on bowl games, and not trolling.. best of luck

8 years ago
Pick Wiz Plays 12/30

West Virginia amiright?

8 years ago
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