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Free Picks: Service Plays for Sunday July 19,2009

Free Selection from Arthur Ralph Sports 293 - 194 run 60 % 41-23 run here Sun SL Cards ================================ The TRENDS SAY free pi...

15 years ago
Free Picks: Service Plays for Saturday July 18,2009

Free Selection from Arthur Ralph Sports 293 - 194 run 60 % 41-23 run here Sat Florida Marlins ===================================== My "trend...

15 years ago
trends say under for Seattle/Cleveland

The under play is good value right now at +105

15 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 547
trends say Cubs or under

Not suggesting this to anyone but there is a possible parlay here. 😉 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...

15 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 553
In search of the smart $$$

Mission accomplished: Undefeated77 8)

15 years ago
Free Picks: Service Plays for Thursday July 16,2009

Free Selection from Arthur Ralph Sports 293 - 193 run 60 % 41-22 run here Thursday Fla. Marlins 8)

15 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 538
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Complicating the situation is Obama's decision to spend sums estimated in the hundreds of thousands of dollars to avoid releasing a state birth certi...

15 years ago
Free Picks: Service Plays for Sunday July 12,2009

Free Selection from Arthur Ralph Sports 292 - 193 run 60 % 40-22 run here SUN Seattle Mariners 8)

15 years ago
Free Picks: Service Plays for Saturday July 11,2009

Free Selection from Arthur Ralph Sports 292 - 192 run 60 % 40-21 run here Sat UNDER Houst/Wash 9 1/2 Fri Minn Twins ty TY Thurs D...

15 years ago
Free Picks: Service Plays for Wednesday July 8,2009

================================================= Free Selection from Totals4U Wednesday's free selection: Cincinnati/Philadelphia over 10 =========...

15 years ago
Free Picks: Service Plays for Tuesday July 7,2009

Free Selection from Arthur Ralph Sports 289 - 191 run 60 % 37-20 run here TUES MINN TWINS 8)

15 years ago
Free Picks: Service Plays for Saturday July 4,2009

Free Selection from Arthur Ralph Sports 289 - 188 run 60 % 37-18 run here Sat LA Dodgers 😮 ===================================== Free Sele...

15 years ago
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