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I am the E. F. Hutton of the gambling world

I'm sore cause I forgot what it was like to loose.... 0-1 for me last night 19-11-2 Small nba for wilson and ncca-fb 2-4. yikes... Lord Gambler must ...

14 years ago
I am the E. F. Hutton of the gambling world

Ya'll know where I'm at tonight, as I released earlier this week. G1 tex vs sfo: Tex -124 Also took a small dabble with: +116 SFO series price...

14 years ago
I am the E. F. Hutton of the gambling world

soo soo sorry wilson. I thnink the methane fumes in my living room got to me. You crushed and went 2-0 on ncaa-fb, 2-0 on nba, and 0-1 on nhl. absolut...

14 years ago
I am the E. F. Hutton of the gambling world

pppphhww. that was too close for comfort, but we still came out with yet another W for the stain. 19-10-2 Gotta love those numbers. Wilson went 1-1...

14 years ago
I am the E. F. Hutton of the gambling world

If you are wondering...I do not bet NBA but follow it religiously. If I ever do release an NBA play, consider it a big play. Though I will not be tou...

14 years ago
I am the E. F. Hutton of the gambling world

2 team 7pt tease: L.Tech +44.5 u72 Been raining all day and even hail... no links please Thanks for the link mbmijo

14 years ago
I am the E. F. Hutton of the gambling world

Anyone get that free money last night? Make that 18-10-2.... Thank Lord Gambler for the WAC conference and Tuesday football. Wilson...did you jump sh...

14 years ago
I am the E. F. Hutton of the gambling world

SWWWEeeaat. 2-1 for the day, and I know you all loved the Brett Farve show last night. Wow. 17-10-2 on king stains releases. And the Saints, what can...

14 years ago
I am the E. F. Hutton of the gambling world

MNF baby 2 team 7pt tease: NYG+10 o38

14 years ago
I am the E. F. Hutton of the gambling world

SWWWEeeaat. 2-1 for the day, and I know you all loved the Brett Farve show last night. Wow. 17-10-2 on king stains releases. And the Saints, what can...

14 years ago
I am the E. F. Hutton of the gambling world

Is it really gonna be one of them days....

14 years ago
I am the E. F. Hutton of the gambling world

Get yourself some of that teaser and eat up some: GB+ -3 +110 er 2.5 -115

14 years ago
I am the E. F. Hutton of the gambling world

Should of listened to my gut and not bet the phillies. Went 3-2 for the day though...Thanks to Valasquez beating the shiat out of Lesnar's face...Line...

14 years ago
I am the E. F. Hutton of the gambling world

I love this seriously. When we all win Nam, it's a beautiful thing. 1-0 for me and the teaser still VERY alive. 1-1 for Wilson as we loose by a half...

14 years ago
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