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Honorable Member
Topics: 10 / Replies: 686
I'm out of the slammer and back to help you guys back into the red....

I hope some of you degenerates are tailing these plays

11 years ago
I'm out of the slammer and back to help you guys back into the red....

08/13/2013 22:05 Houston vs. Oakland MLB 2 Play on Houston +240 Upcoming 08/13/2013 20:10 Cleveland vs. Minnesota MLB 2 Play on Minnesota -119 Up...

11 years ago
I'm out of the slammer and back to help you guys back into the red....

08/11/2013 16:10 Pittsburgh vs. Colorado MLB 2 Play on Colorado +121 Upcoming 08/11/2013 16:05 Baltimore vs. San Francisco MLB 2 Play on San Francis...

11 years ago
I'm out of the slammer and back to help you guys back into the red....

08/10/2013 19:30 NY Giants vs. Pittsburgh NFL 1 Play on Pittsburgh -2½/-115 Upcoming 08/10/2013 19:10 Miami vs. Atlanta MLB 2 Play on Miami +197 U...

11 years ago
I'm out of the slammer and back to help you guys back into the red....

will be back later with a nfl winner gotta take momma to get her back waxed

11 years ago
I'm out of the slammer and back to help you guys back into the red....

08/10/2013 16:05 Tampa Bay vs. LA Dodgers MLB 2 Play on Over 7/-118 Upcoming

11 years ago
I'm out of the slammer and back to help you guys back into the red....

08/10/2013 21:10 Milwaukee vs. Seattle MLB 2 Play on Over 7/-123 Upcoming 08/10/2013 21:10 Milwaukee vs. Seattle MLB 2 Play on Milwaukee +147 Upc...

11 years ago
I'm out of the slammer and back to help you guys back into the red....

need an early baseball winner...i have nothing coin flip time?

11 years ago
I'm out of the slammer and back to help you guys back into the red....

got enough money now to buy new seat covers for the pinto

11 years ago
I'm out of the slammer and back to help you guys back into the red....

This week Overall Record: 25-10-1 Units Won: +3120 Win Percent: 71.43% brandon lang who?

11 years ago
I'm out of the slammer and back to help you guys back into the red....

my friends call me action jackson, momma just calls me stupid

11 years ago
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