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Honorable Member
Topics: 10 / Replies: 686
I'm out of the slammer and back to help you guys back into the red....

4-3 with 2 big doggies hitting are the nationals really this bad? talk about choking away a good season

11 years ago
I'm out of the slammer and back to help you guys back into the red....

Royal baby's name: Trayvon : +1,000,000,000 If I win this bet I may buy buckingham palace

11 years ago
I'm out of the slammer and back to help you guys back into the red....

Wash -115, sd +110, Tampa +130, yanks +155, w sox +105, minn +150, sea -115

11 years ago
I'm out of the slammer and back to help you guys back into the red....

just lined my toronto and nats plays.... 5-0 both games

11 years ago
I'm out of the slammer and back to help you guys back into the red....

i might turn into a professional gambler i have $710 saved up that should be enough

11 years ago
I'm out of the slammer and back to help you guys back into the red....

momma hit the pick 3 lottery saturday night for $800, she yells "Guess what Wilson? Pack your bags, I won the lottery!" i get all excited and ask "Tha...

11 years ago
I'm out of the slammer and back to help you guys back into the red....

didn't bet on him blade but my buddy did 16-1 would have been a nice payout for sure

11 years ago
11 years ago
I'm out of the slammer and back to help you guys back into the red....

9-6 +3.40 units wash -125, sd +105, zona -140, sea -115

11 years ago
I'm out of the slammer and back to help you guys back into the red....

Boston -135, Balt +120, angels pick, Tampa +105, cincy -145, mets -110

11 years ago
I'm out of the slammer and back to help you guys back into the red....

1-3 nice start Sd +180, zona +125, yanks +135, Balt +105, white sox -110

11 years ago
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